Phase 2: What We Heard

Phase 2 Community Engagement

Phase 2 of the project focused on revising the strategies we should use to achieve shared goals and updating the Future Land Use Map. The links below include a summary of the community feedback, the individual responses that shaped the revised strategies, and the comments on the Draft Future Land Use Map.


9476 interactions with Imagine Madison in Phase 1 and 2


Summary of Phase 2 Feedback on Draft Strategies

All Comments on Draft Strategies

All Comments on Draft Future Land Use Map



Community Meetings

During Phase 2 Community meetings, attendees were presented with a draft list of the 60 Imagine Madison strategies on posters broken down by theme. They then placed a limited number of stickers on strategies that they supported, or wrote new strategy ideas directly on the posters.

Events and Festivals

The Imagine Madison team headed out to events, festivals, and farmers' markets to talk to community members about Madison's future. This was an effort to get more community input on goals, strategies, and how Madison should grow.

Resident Panels

We are partnering with community-based organizations that have connections to Madison’s communities of color, lower income residents, and other residents whose voices are often missing from planning processes. Planning staff were not present during meetings of Resident Panels, as they were coordinated directly by the community organizations.


The Imagine Madison website had a module that allowed users to view the draft strategies by theme, click on strategies they supported to "like" with a "thumbs up," and submit additional strategies to the website that others could view and "like." This web module replicated the activities from the community meetings.   

 Community Discussions Event

On August 15th, the Imagine Madison team hosted a special Community Discussions event at the Central Library. This event was designed based on feedback from participants in the Imagine Madison Resident Panel program, who expressed that more time was needed for in-depth group discussion as part of the Imagine Madison Comprehensive Plan Update process.

The Imagine Madison team invited a wide range of community groups to the event, and more than 20 different community groups were represented in some way. Participants were asked in advance to contribute possible topics of discussion for the event. Community groups were also invited to bring brochures or other handouts about their organization, programming, and services. View event summary.

Future Land Use Map

Future Land Use Map Comparison

Community members provided comments and suggestions regarding the Draft Future Land Use Map through each method of community engagement (Community Meetings, festivals and events, Resident Panels, and the website). Participants provided broad, citywide comments and location specific comments, which were marked on the map. 

The Future Land Use Map applies the goals and strategies of the Comprehensive Plan in a geographic context, and recom­mends a pattern of future land uses and development intensi­ties to guide the physical development of the City of Madison for the next 20 years.